Because May has been named National Stroke Awareness Month for nearly 30 years, we feel it’s important to let you know about the important link between gum disease and the risk factors associated with stroke. While many people agree that stroke is a serious problem, they may not realize that they can reduce their likelihood of stroke by regular visits to the periodontist.
Why? The reason stems from the infection and inflammation of gum disease. Infections in the periodontal pockets between the gums and teeth spread through the build-up of bacteria. Ironically, brushing and flossing can loosen some of the bacteria, causing it to enter the bloodstream. From there, the bacteria begin to affect the body systemically via the blood and can ultimately lead to a heightened risk of stroke.
The only way to stop this from happening is to get professional treatment for gum disease in Pittsburgh, PA.
Know the Signs of Diseased Gums
Prevention of advanced gum disease begins with knowledge of its signs and symptoms:
· Red, inflamed gums that may have pus coming out of them
· Gums that are painful or sensitive
· Gums that bleed when you’re eating, brushing and flossing Bad breath that never seems to get any better, even with mint, gums, rinses and brushing.
· Teeth that feel wiggly or seem like they aren’t anchored properly anymore. This is a very serious sign of progressive gum disease, and necessitates a call to your periodontist immediately
As with any type of change in your dental habit, the indications of potential gum disease require attention from a professional. Not only will getting control of your gum disease in Pittsburgh, PA, at our facility help lessen your chances of a stroke, but they’ll improve your oral health and confidence.